Super Tic Tac Toe
Super Tic Tac Toe is a variant of the classic game of tic tac toe that involves a lot more strategy and clever thinking. Super Tic Tac Toe is played on a 3 by 3 grid of 3 by 3 tic tac toe boards. A players move in a small tic tac toe board restricts the movements of the next player on the larger tic tac toe board. Winning a small tic tac toe board gives a player a large x or a large o on that spot. The goal of the game is to win the larger board.
System Requirements (Any system):
- Java 1.5 JDK or higher
To begin, double click the file SuperTicTacToe.jar. This will launch the game. To start a new game, press the "New" button. At any time during a game, the "End" button can be pressed to abort the game.
The first player can go any where on the board that they would like. However, the move of the first player (X) will limit where the next player (O) can go. Bold lines on the board indicate divisions of the larger board. Non bold lines indicate divisions of the smaller boards. Wherever the first player goes in a small board translates to where the next player can go in the large board.
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A green background and white areas of the board indicate places that a player is allowed to move. Player 1 is placing their X in the middle right location of the top right box. This will restrict player 2's move as seen to the right. | Since player 1 placed their X in the middle right of their smaller board, player 2 must place their O in the middle right of the larger board. A red background and and gray areas of the board indicate places where a player is not allowed to move. |
If a player places their move in the smaller box in the same location as the box is located on the larger board, the next player will be redirected to the same box on their turn.
Within the smaller tic tac toe boards, game play works the same as regular tic tac toe. If a player wins a small board, then they get a large X or a large O over that box. If a board is completely filled in, yet neither player managed to get three in a row then that board will be filled in with a black square, indicating a cat's game in that board. However, if a board is unwinnable by either player, but hasn't been completed, it will not be filled in as a cat's game because there is still the potential to redirect a player there.
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Player 1 is about to make their move in the top middle of the bottom middle box. Upon making this move they will direct player 2 to the top middle box. In that box, player 2 has 2 Os already in a diagonal, and will be able to win that box. The result is seen to the right. | Player 2 put their move in the top left corner of the top middle box. This made three in a row Os in that box, and as such, they won the box, a big O was put over the top middle box, and player m1 is directed to the top right board. |
If a player is redirected to a board that has already been filled in with a large X, a large O,or a cat's game then they will be allowed to play anywhere that is unoccupied on the board.
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Player 2 is about to make their move in the top middle of the bottom left board. This will redirect player 1 to the top middle board. However, this board has already been filled with a large O, so player 1 will be able to go anywhere. | Player 1 is redirected to a large O, so they can go anywhere that is unoccupied. |
The objective of the game is to win on the larger board. This can be done in one of two ways. The primary method is to get three in a row of either larger Xs or Os. If this is not the possible then at the end, when all the boards have either large Xs, large Os or cat's games, then the player with the most large Xs or Os wins. If at the end both players have the same amount of large Xs and Os the game is a tie.
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Player 2 is about to place an O in the middle of the bottom middle board. This will give them a large O in that board and three large Os in a row... | Player 2 wins! |